Unpublished Adventure Game
In 2021, I was hired by Drowning Monkeys Games as a freelance writer for Freeport Adventures, an adventure game with a branching narrative set in Green Ronin Publishing's Freeport setting.
The game is currently unfinished and unreleased.
Ian Lemke, a more experienced writer from Green Ronin, was also involved with the project. Together, we outlined the overarching plot of the game, working within the constraints of what had already been developed. I mapped out the conflicts between our three main characters, and pitched ways their conflicts could be leveraged by decisions later in the story. I also pitched some well-received changes to the game's third act. Finally, I recreated our outline in Twine, so that we could click through major decision points and understand how they would affect the game's ending.
I'm really proud of the work we did together - and I'd be thrilled to see the game completed and published some day!
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